Coast Highway Construction at Riverside Avenue


According to an email from the City of Newport Beach, starting this week the Riverside Drive and West Coast Highway intersection with Coast highway will be impacted as part of the OCSD Newport Force Main Rehabilitation project. What can you expect?

  • Re-striping of the roadway will occur during the evening on Monday, Jan. 19.
  • Travel lanes will be reduced and shifted away from the median.
  • On-street parking will no longer be allowed in the area in an effort to keep the traffic moving.
  • Drivers should expect delays due to the reduced westbound Coast Highway travel lanes near the Riverside Avenue intersection. This new lane reduction is in addition to the existing reduced travel lanes along Coast Highway.
  • Preparatory work will be performed before K-rail is extended through the intersection. Once the K-rail is in place, the intersection will be closed similar to the way the Balboa Bay Resort intersection was closed before Thanksgiving.
  • Vehicles traveling westbound on Coast Highway will be able to make a right turn onto Riverside Avenue, but vehicles traveling eastbound will not be able to make a left turn onto Riverside Avenue, vehicles can proceed to Tustin Avenue to make the left turn or U-turn.
  • Vehicles traveling southbound on Riverside Avenue will only be able to turn right onto Coast Highway. U-turns can be made at the Hoag Hospital intersection.

Coast Highway construction work through the intersection is estimated to last for approximately six weeks. To expedite the work in this area, the contractor will be using two shifts that will be working from 6 a.m. to 11 p.m. Monday through Friday, some Saturday work is also expected. For more information, read the latest construction alert or contact OCSD at or (714) 679-2088. (Dates and times are subject to change due to unforeseen operational factors or inclement weather)