— Photo by Sara Hall ©
The city of Newport Beach released an advisory this week about campaign materials after one City Council candidate was warned for using a photo that included city staff.
Residents will likely get numerous campaign materials, including mailers, phone calls and text messages, from people running for elected office or supporting or opposing ballot measures.
“It’s important for Newport Beach voters to know that city of Newport Beach (city) resources – including on-duty staff and city-owned equipment – cannot be used to support or oppose any candidate or ballot measure,” the message from the city reads.
They advised residents who see any candidate campaign material that features city staff, that the photo was used without the city’s permission and “should not be interpreted that the candidate or issue has the support of the city or staff featured.”
“We do realize that on occasion, one or more of the city’s employee associations endorse certain candidates, but those associations are separate entities from the city, and no public funds are used in support of election-related materials,” the message adds.
Earlier in the week, candidate Joy Brenner was warned with a letter from a law firm representing the city that she used photos featuring the fire and police chiefs, which could violate the state code.