City Paying $200K in Legal Fees is Appalling


The Indy’s March 24 story about the city (taxpayers) paying over $202,000 to pay Kent Moore’s lawyer is appalling.

His case involved alleged misdeeds during a trip sponsored by the Newport Beach Sister City Association and minors during a 2010 European trip. 

Moore simply wanted public records documenting the activities of the Antibes, France trip.

Moore was frustrated at every turn.  At one point the city claimed they couldn’t find the records due to migration to the Taj Mahal from the old city hall site.

The “dog-ate-my-homework” excuse didn’t satisfy Moore.

He got fed up and rightfully hired a lawyer. The city played cat-and-mouse, forcing Moore’s lawyer to file a lawsuit. The city should have produced the documents years ago instead of letting the meter run.

I credit the current council with stopping the clock and cutting our losses. 

Taxpayers should demand our $347,000 per year city manager Dave Kiff and $321,000 per year city attorney Aaron Harp pay the $202,000 settlement.

Bob McCaffrey

Volunteer Chairman, Residents for Reform

Balboa Island