City of Newport Beach Kicks off Summer Anti-Litter Campaign: Make a Splash, Pick Up Trash


The city of Newport Beach has launched a new anti-litter campaign that will run for the duration of the summer, through Labor Day.

The theme of the campaign is “Make a Splash, Pick up Trash: Keep Newport Beach Beautiful.”

Over the course of the summer, residents and visitors will see the colorful campaign signs at the entrances to beaches, around public parks and City facilities in beach areas, and displayed by participating private businesses.

The purpose of the anti-litter campaign is two-fold:

  • Education and awareness. City crews and contractors do a great job of cleaning and maintaining our public spaces, but they can’t be everywhere, at all times. One of the goals of this campaign is to create awareness and remind everyone that all of us — residents, business owners, visitors and City government – need to work together to “Keep Newport Beach Beautiful.”
  • Highlighting an expanded volunteer program. The City has updated and expanded its volunteer program to better align individual volunteers and groups with the areas of the City that need the most attention. This effort is being coordinated by Theresa Schweitzer in the City’s Public Works Department.

To learn more, please visit

To contact the City regarding volunteer cleanup opportunities for individuals and groups, email