Cheering for Team Newport


Jean Ardell’s recent and clearly biased rant against Team Newport which appeared in the Newport Beach Independent on January 2 deserves additional scrutiny by your readers.

Ms. Ardell just doesn’t seem to get it yet. Newport Beach voters finally just got tired of over a decade of business as usual downtown and that’s exactly why Team Newport won the municipal elections so decisively.

It’s apparent that our local voters were more than willing to give Duffy and his teammates their support even though a couple of them are inexperienced in the finer points of municipal governance.

This constant carping on the City Hall rabbit issue by Ms. Ardell and other disappointed people seems to be a convenient way of shifting the blame from the real issue here. The point of all of this is — couldn’t the former city council regime have spent a quarter million dollars of taxpayer money more wisely? What were they thinking?

This is at the top of Team Newport’s agenda and, of course, involves the long-overdue task of bringing real ethical and fiscal accountability to our City Hall.

Kent Moore

Corona del Mar