Charity Spotlight: The Righteous Cure for Lupus

Bill Medley
Bill Medley

By Tracey Smith | Special to the NB Indy

Music possesses myriad unique attributes that can elevate a mood or improve motivation, but it also has beneficial healing properties.

This holiday season the gift of song will be given to residents, patients and fans by Bill Medley, formerly one half of the Righteous Brothers.

On Tuesday, Dec. 2, Medley and his band will host a benefit for The Lupus International Foundation at the Lido Live Theater in Newport Beach.

The fundraiser is $100 per person or $150 per couple, which includes food and drinks. The proceeds will go toward the continued support as well as research and development of this chronic, autoimmune disease.

Medley and his fellow band mates are loyal as well as committed to this cause.

“My partner, Bobby Hatfield—his wife Linda battled lupus for years. The Hatfield family started a benefit for Lupus International 26 years ago and I remain committed to supporting his legacy and helping a great cause,” he said.

Hatfield and Medley had hopes of hosting a golf tournament, accompanied with dinner and a show, but unfortunately Hatfield died before that came to fruition. Hatfield’s wife asked Medley to carry on the cause, said event coordinator Christina Kelly, who provided the backstory to the event.

Medley did what came natural to him, which was to fulfill Linda Hatfield’s wishes by continuing to carry the torch for lupus. Sadly, Linda Hatfield lost her

Bill Medley and Linda Hatfield
Bill Medley and Linda Hatfield

battle to the disease. Now, Medley remains vehement about giving something back and following through on her wishes. He volunteered his time, helped promote the show and made sure every dollar would be utilized to support lupus.

Each year the show has successfully sold out the 550 seats. The audience is filled with patients or people who have a close connection to someone who may be battling lupus. The nostalgia of the event is palpable; people remember a song that they were married to or simply reminisce. This is when the healing properties of music truly are evident.

Medley isn’t alone in shouldering responsibility, Kelly said. “The band has been incredible. They all come in and help, and it’s been a win-win for everybody,” she said.

Among the band mates is former Laguna Beach resident and Medley drummer Gabe Rabben, who has acquired the moniker of “The Adopted Righteous Brother.”

“The people who are behind the scenes that makes this event a success are these band members who donate their time for a charity, and lose a night where they could get paid somewhere else,” Kelly said.

Rabben has had the good fortune to have Medley as a mentor. He plays several instruments, sings backup, and has also written music with Medley’s daughter, McKenna.

“I couldn’t have asked for a better person to work for; obviously he’s a legend in the music industry,” Rabben said. “I’ve been doing this for five or six years and I get to meet great people associated with the organization. I’ve met some great people who have lupus. It’s an amazing cause to donate to and to create such a great event, and the band is honored to do it every year.

Music is a connection into the spiritual side of things that is attainable, that allows people to feel good. Music can bring an amazing impact on people with all kinds of issues may it be a disease or just making you smile. I’m happy that people love it and appreciate it.”

Tickets are available for Lido Live, 3459 Via Lido, at (949) 723-0250 or