Charity Spotlight: National Charity League Honors 25 Newport Beach Debutantes



Honoring six years of dedication to over 30 charities in Orange County, 25 Debutantes from the Newport Chapter of National Charity League, Inc. were honored at the 54th Debutante Ball, which was held on Saturday, Nov. 29, at the Hotel Irvine.

National Charity League is a mother-daughter philanthropic organization committed to community service, leadership development and cultural experiences.

With over 400 guests, the evening was an elegant and formal affair with attendees dressed in ball gowns and tuxedos.

The mothers of the debutantes were presented and seated by their daughter’s escorts, marking the beginning of the ceremony. Molly Davin, the NCL Newport Chapter president, introduced Nikki Wood, the 2014 Debutante Ball Director, and her husband, David Wood, then gave a warm welcome to the guests.

The evening followed 53 years of tradition. Each Debutante, dressed in floor length white ball gowns and long white gloves, were individually presented to the audience followed by a traditional St. James Bow and a walk down the dance floor on the arm of her father to a favorite song.

After the 25 women were presented, the entire class of Debutantes paraded together into the ballroom while a toast was made in their honor. Then, the Debutantes and their fathers danced a waltz.

After the dinner was served, the Debutantes and their guests danced until midnight to the Jay Sterling Orchestra.

The 2014 Debutantes are: Sarah Jane Booth, Katherine Ann Calder, Robin Marie Caston, Danielle Janine Cipolla, Karli Mackenzie Dugan, Claire Elizabeth Farmer, Elyse Lorraine Ford, Lauren Elizabeth Hanour, Jacqueline Frances Horwitz, Ashley Elizabeth Kayl, Molly Elizabeth Keasey, Rachel Maxon Kraushaar, Ellen Tracy Labbe, Megan Ayn Lefebvre, Nicole Manser, Kendall Maria Mulvaney, Natalie Noel O’Neill, Amanda Marsha Perez, McKenzie Ann Purcifull, Annie Ryan Reed, Madeleine Therese Roth, Reagan Elizabeth Rutter, Carly Nicole Searcy, Caroline Grace Strutner, and Alexandra Maria Ursini.

“This night is truly a celebration for these 25 Debutantes and their families. These young ladies have volunteered countless hours in their community while getting good grades, playing sports and participating in different leadership groups” said Wood.

The 2014 have collectively volunteered almost 10,000 hours of service to the various philanthropies supported by the Newport Chapter of National Charity League (NCL), Many of the ladies have won numerous awards for volunteering over 50, 75 and 100 hours a year.

The 2014 class also boasts honor roll students, AP Scholars, youth and government leaders, as well as members of California Scholarship Federation, National Honor Society, and Associated Student Body.

The majority of the debutante class were varsity high school athletes, participating on the Dance, Sailing, Soccer and Tennis teams.

With many having over a 4.0 GPA from high school, this year’s debutantes are enrolled in colleges and universities across the nation.