Charity Spotlight: HKA, Inc. Launches Competition for OC Nonprofits


Hilary Kaye HeadshotIn celebration of its 30th anniversary, HKA, Inc. Marketing Communications is going to give one lucky OC-based nonprofit organization a year of PR and marketing services at no charge.

HKA has developed the Locally PRoud program to give back to the community that has supported its success. Locally PRoud is an opportunity for Orange County nonprofits to apply for a grant to receive a yearlong HKA program that includes a custom strategic public relations and marketing plan with tactical support.

“I feel so fortunate to have enjoyed 30 years of business success and worked with so many outstanding organizations, both for-profit and nonprofit, and when our 30th year arrived, I knew I wanted to do something very special to give back,” explained Hilary Kaye, founder and president of HKA. “I’ve always been inspired by the dramatic impact that nonprofits are making right here in Orange County, and our hope is that this grant will enable one very deserving nonprofit to get to the next level and serve more people in need.”

Throughout its 30-year history, HKA has helped a variety of nonprofit organizations – some as regular HKA clients with a robust PR and marketing programs and others through volunteer time and donations.

Qualifying nonprofits are invited to submit a three-part application that includes a short video about the organization that illustrates why HKA’s program would help, a short essay outlining which communications elements would be most beneficial, and a questionnaire with basic information about the nonprofit.

Applications are available at Deadline is August 31, 2014. Finalists will be selected by HKA; the ultimate winner will be determined, in part, through public voting when finalist videos are featured on the HKA website in October.

A special judging panel also will review finalist applications. The winning nonprofit will be announced on “Giving Tuesday,” December 2, 2014.

For more details and qualifications, please visit: