CdM Theater Complex Costs Rise


The Newport-Mesa school board Tusday approved spending another $400,000 for the design of a new 350-seat multipurpose theater complex at Corona del Mar High School, as the overall cost estimate for the project has risen by $3 million.

Trustees approved four amendments to its contract with the architectural firm LPA Inc. for the engineering and construction design of the complex. The cost of new work is not to exceed $400,750, raising the total design contract limit to $1,250,750.

The four amendments will enable the project to move from design and planning to construction.

LPA was originally retained in April, under an agreement that would pay the firm up to 6.5 percent of the construction cost estimate of $11 million, plus $135,000 in fixed fees for acoustic work and for a relocatable buildings package – for a total contract limit of $850,000.

The amendments include: Deleting the relocatable buildings package from the scope of work, for a saving of $75,000: adding $107,000 added to prepare engineering documents for phase one and two summer utilities including five relocatable classrooms for interim housing; adding $159,500 for a new weight room building; and adding $195,000 to the contract limit as the estimated project cost has gone from $11 million to $14 million since the original agreement was signed.

The school board also approved the adoption of a bid for the lease of Department of State Architecture-approved relocatable buildings and an agreement with William Scotsman, Inc., to lease mobile or modular space units at price quotes sufficient to meet NMUSD needs.

The district is bidding on the buildings to provide student housing during the construction of the CdM theater complex, which could be up to 36 months.

The district will be “piggybacking” a Los Alamitos Unified School District bid. This saves the district the time and money it would take to go through the public bidding process itself. The purchasing and facilities departments evaluated the prices and specifications in the Los Alamitos bid and found it to be in the best interest of Newport-Mesa.

The district is bidding to lease up to six 24-by-40-foot buildings for $225 per month, per building, with an additional one-time expenditure of up to $4,900 per building for delivery, installation, dismantling and return. The district is also hoping to lease one 36-by-40 foot building for $648 per month with a one-time expenditure of $7,350 for the handling.