CdM ‘Prom Draft’ Causes Controversy


Corona del Mar High School is making national headlines again.

A few months ago it was about the computer hacking cheating scandal.

This time because students are holding an NFL-style “prom draft” to recruit dates for the event, scheduled for June 7.

In email from CdM principal Kathy Scott was sent out to parents and community members condemning the rumored prom draft. It likely  wasn’t intended to be harmful, Scott said in the email, but it may be just that.

“It is not ok for any student to be objectified or judged in any way,” she wrote. “This is not behavior that is consistent with our school’s outstanding reputation.”

The draft was first reported by the Orange County Register. Other local media outlets soon picked up the story, followed by national news sources.

Students use a draft pick lottery system, but can pay extra for a higher ranking draft number. Male students apparently purchase tickets and females are “drafted” as dates to the prom, Scott explained in the email.  One student has reportedly paid $140 for a first-round pick.

The group reportedly rents out a private location to hold the draft. The event involves juniors and seniors.

According to reports, the draft has been going on for many years.

Parent and student reactions are mixed. Several have talked to reporters and many have taken to social media outlets like Twitter and Facebook to voice their opinions.

Some defend the draft, saying it was meant to avoid fighting over dates and was not created to objectify or hurt anyone. Others have called it a “terrible,” “degrading,” and “disgusting” tradition.

Scott’s email also urged parents to talk with their kids about the “seriousness of this type of activity.”

“Prom is an important event in the lives of our students and I would hate to have to cancel it or any other important student related activity due to the negative actions of a few,” Scott wrote.

An investigation into the prom draft is underway and students may face suspension.