CdM Community Church Celebrates Dual Anniversaries

Community Church Congregational in Corona del Mar is celebrating some noteworthy anniversaries this weekend.
— Photo courtesy of CdM Community Church Congregational

Corona del Mar Community Church Congregational reaches dual milestones this weekend as it celebrates three quarters of a century of serving the village and Music Minister Rodger Whitten commemorates three decades, officials announced in a press release on Monday.

Church members — past and present — as well as past pastors, community members and friends are invited to join in celebrating the significant pair of anniversaries for the church in events on Saturday and Sunday.

The first of the celebrations will be Saturday at 7:15 p.m., marking the 30th anniversary of the church’s Music Minister, Rodger Whitten.

Under Whitten’s direction, choir members from over the years will present a concert of classical and American songbook music, accompanied by a chamber-sized orchestra, the message reads.

Admission is free with an evening starlit reception in the church courtyard following the concert.

On Sunday morning, church members will be celebrating the 75th anniversary starting at 10 a.m. It will be marked with a special worship service led by Pastor Mary Scifres titled “Embracing the Past, Renewing the Future.”

An ensemble of musicians will be on hand to accompany the special music that will mark the event. A luncheon in the church courtyard will follow the worship service.

The church was launched during World War II by a group of thirteen women who were determined to bring a Sunday school for children to Corona del Mar, then they focused on establishing a church.

Work began on the first iteration of the campus in the mid-1940s. In 1945, the original building opened to host the weekly Sunday school programs and worship.

The church is located at 611 Heliotrope Ave.

For more information, visit or contact Executive Assistant, Susan Kenney, (949) 644-7400, ext. 1.