Calendar: City, County Meetings and Events


A round-up of this week’s (Aug. 12-18) meetings and noteworthy events from the city of Newport Beach, Orange County, John Wayne Airport, and local and regional boards, commissions, and councils. Updated weekly. Please note this a partial summary, for full calendars and agenda details please visit the agency’s website.



  • Orange County Board of Supervisors, at 9 a.m. in the board hearing room, first floor in the Hall of Administration, 333 W. Santa Ana Blvd., 10 Civic Center Plaza, Santa Ana. Agenda includes: A $750,000 Mitigation Agreement with Irvine Ranch Conservancy (for the removal of vegetation at Gothard Street Landfill) to restore 7.5 acres of coastal sage scrub at Crystal Cove State Park over a 10-year term.
  • City Council Study Session & Regular Meeting, at 4 p.m. and 7 p.m. in the Council Chambers at Newport Beach City Hall, 100 Civic Center Dr. Meeting starts with a review of financial statements for the Newport Beach Public Facilities Corporation. Council study session agenda includes: Discussion about the current and past tree maintenance practices with regard to city street trees along Marine Avenue on Balboa Island. The discussion will also review the current health and status of the trees, including a review of recent Arborist evaluation reports. Regular meeting agenda includes: A review of the Planning Commission’s approval of Mesa Drive Townhomes, an eight-unit condominium development located at 1501 Mesa Dr. and 20462 Santa Ana Ave.; Consideration of Planning and Land Use Entitlements for Vivante Senior Housing, located at 850 and 856 San Clemente Dr.; Park and beach public restroom janitorial services; and, on the consent calendar, authorize $67,000 in community programs grants for fiscal year 2019-20.



  • Harbor Commission Meeting, at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at Newport Beach City Hall, 100 Civic Center Dr. Agenda includes: A public hearing for a residential dock reconfiguration at 1708-1710 South Bay Front; and consideration of proposed changes to Title 17, the Harbor Code, covering the sections that deal with live-aboards, sanitation, harbor development permits, dredging permits, harbor permits and leases, appeals, and enforcement.



  • Abandoned Vessel Auction, public viewing opens at 9 a.m., auction starts at 10 a.m. by the Marina Park Sailing Center, at 1600 W. Balboa Blvd. The city’s Harbor Department and the Orange County Sheriff Department’s Harbor Patrol are holding an abandoned vessel auction.
  • Zoning Administrator Hearing, at 3 p.m. in the Corona del Mar Conference Room, Bay 1E, at City Hall, 100 Civic Center Dr. Agenda includes Coastal Development Permit applications for: Pleasantville Road Partners, LLC Residential Condominiums, at 319 Jasmine Ave.; Fluter-Collins Residence at 2104 East Oceanfront; Steckler Residence at 132 South Bay Front; and Mulflur Residential Condominiums at 512 and 512 ½ Begonia Ave. Agenda also includes: Outdoor Sales Limited Term Permit for Jack’s Surfboards at 2727 Newport Blvd., Suite 101; and Demolition Coastal Development Permit for 944 Via Lido Nord at 944 Via Lido Nord.
  • Airport Land Use Commission for Orange County, at 4 p.m. in the Airport Commission Hearing Room, 3160 Airway Ave., Costa Mesa. Agenda includes: Proposal from the city of Costa Mesa for a permanent bridge shelter project located at 3175 Airway Ave. The proposed project site contains an existing 29,816-square-foot building, half of which would be used for the shelter for individuals experiencing homelessness. The city is proposing to provide 50 beds (planned capacity), although the space has sufficient area to accommodate up to a maximum of 100 beds (potential build-out capacity). The city plans to lease the other half of the industrial building to tenants for industrial warehouse uses consistent with the existing purpose, zoning, and land use designation and compatible with the bridge shelter, in terms of any potential night-time noise.
  • Peninsula Point Ocean Front Encroachments Community Meeting, at 6 p.m. at Marina Park, 1600 W. Balboa Blvd. City Planning Division staff will host a meeting to discuss the status of the East Oceanfront encroachments with affected property owners and interested persons. For more information, contact the Community Development Department at (949) 644-3200.


See the full city calendar here:

See the John Wayne Airport commissions’ agendas here:

See the full OC Board of Supervisors schedule and agendas here: