Boater’s Weather




Everyone is asking if this week’s heat wave will continue throughout the weekend, and has our summer weather finally arrived as we near the end of summer?  Well, yes and no.  The high-pressure system will keep the air temperatures up in the inland areas, but the temperatures will drop from the 90 to 100 degree highs.  Along our coast, the air temperatures will drop back to the high 60s to low 70s this weekend.

The marine layer and fog will return as one of the main influences driving our cooler-than-normal temperatures is the Pacific Ocean temperature.  The ocean temperature off of Southern California’s coast remains unseasonably cold, and many people do not realize that this huge body of water has a huge effect on our weather.   If the water is cool then we have cool air temperatures – as a matter of fact, I have a theory that it will not normally snow in the local mountains until the sea temperature drops below a specific temperature in the winter.  Hopefully, this current southern swell will push up some warm water.

The seas will continue with a dominant south swell at 4 feet near the coast and up to 5 feet in the San Pedro Channel, but the south will have double-digit intervals.  Additionally, a 3-foot west swell will be creating a mixed set, but still should be good for whale watching.

Moderate winds are predicted for the weekend with winds beginning from the south or southeast in the mornings and becoming westerly in the afternoons.  The breezes will jumping between 8 to 14 knots as the high pressure relaxes over our area.

In the Pacific off the coast by middle Mexico is category 1 Hurricane Frank that we will keep an eye on to see if it grows in strength.

As always, with an eye to the north, boaters off Point Conception will see a mixed set with 6-foot swells from the northwest and a 4-foot south with winds from the northwest under 25 knots today and Saturday, and decreasing slightly on Sunday.

I hope everyone enjoys the beautiful cool weekend and watch the swell condition in the ocean.

Safe Voyages,

Mike Whitehead, Capt.