Boaters’ Weather



As the small weather system leaves the Southland, the cold air temperatures continue though the weekend.  We will have daytime air temperatures in the low to mid-60s with the nights dipping to the low 50s. The mostly sunny skies allow the heat to escape in outer space, hence the chilly temperatures. However, the coastal fog has returned.

Some weather forecasters are calling for rain on Sunday, but I predict a very small chance of the wet stuff falling on Newport Harbor.  If we do get sprinkles, then it will be Sunday night or Monday morning, and not affect your boating or outdoor plans this weekend.

The winds are expected to blow just over 10 knots from the west, and that will create wind waves under 2 feet.  The very flat mixed set of swells that we see today will start to lose the southern sets and the seas will still be flat at 2 feet from the west by Saturday afternoon.  Not great for surfing, but excellent conditions if you want to go outside of the harbor and into the beautiful Pacific Ocean.

Boaters still need to be cautious and keep an extra set of eyes on the water with the continual runoff from the inland rains and the melting snow.  Stuff, and I mean stuff, is being washed downstream into the waterways and ocean, and this stuff can wreak havoc – dinged props, clogged sea strainers, clogged heat exchangers, hull dings, punctured hulls, dragging stuff entangled on your keel or running gear, and the list goes on.  Boat smart and watch the water, and your temperature gauges if you are under engine power.

So, as always, with an eye to the north, we look to the waters off Point Conception where the seas are building slightly from 7 feet today to 9 feet by Sunday.  Small Craft Advisories can turn into Gale Warnings. You can look forward to 4-foot wind waves on top of swells with winds blowing in the 20s and gusting as high as 35 knots.  On Sunday, the winds will drop to under 20 knots, but this region has a great possibility of rain.

The weather is cooperating this weekend for great boating on the ocean, or a nice harbor cruise.  Remember, to always check the sea and weather conditions and give a safely briefing to your guests onboard before you leave your dock.

Safe Voyages,

Mike Whitehead, Capt.