Blue Skys and Coastal Commission Blues


The weather last Sunday was the beginning of a major change back to Southern California winter weather. On Saturday it was 85 degrees on our harbor and Friday was just as nice. Our unique harbor was full of yachts on those days and it couldn’t have been better for this time of year. What a life!

It is now Friday, and it has been predicted that we’re on our third day of on and off rain, with 20 degrees drop in air temperature. If the last several months are our guide, next week will be summer-like once again.

At last week’s newspaper staff meeting, the subject of the California Coastal Commission came up, and a few of us offered our opinions of the Coastal Commission.

The proposition that formed the Coastal Commission was passed by voters in 1972. I have a history of obtaining marine construction permits from them starting in 1976, which was the year the proposition was to be termed out after city local coastal plans would  have been accepted and the cities were then obligated to protect the coast. My, did that dream become a nightmare.

I recently had to hold back when I read a letter to the editor of a different publication that offered accolades for the fantastic job the commission has achieved in the last 40 years. I’m not sure what planet the writer was living on. Obviously, this young woman never owned property inside the coastal zone and needed to obtain a permit.

If you do not give in to the legalized extortion of the commission’s guidelines you will not obtain your permit.

I have a lot of compassion for commercial/mixed use property owners who have been required for decades to provide a view corridor on their private property so passersby can see the waterfront. If the state mandates this, they should pay for the loss of property use! Do they? Heck no. Legalized extortion run amok.

GEDSC DIGITAL CAMERADoes our state follow these same guidelines? Heck no. Prior to upgrading the state beach from the river jetty to the Huntington Beach pier, you could see the ocean while driving on Coast Highway. Not now! The state is exempt from their own requirements. The thought comes to mind of the saying, “Hi, I’m from the government and I’m here to help!” Yipes!

I’m happy to change the subject. I’ve included a photo of a trawler that recently berthed here with a yellow submarine on the stern. A fellow yacht worker said it was here to inspect our sewer lines adjacent to the river jetty. Now that’s a good thing!

Sea Ya,

Skipper Steve