Benefit: Human Options has “Serious Fun” While Raising $2 Million

Board Chair Artyn Gardner with husband Max Gardner
Board Chair Artyn Gardner with husband Max Gardner

Nearly 475 guests had some “Serious Fun” at the recent Human Options fundraiser at Balboa Bay Resort.

This year’s theme, “A Salute to Old Hollywood,” had guests decked out in apparel from the 1940s and 50s.

Nearly $2 million was raised–over $900,000 was raised at the event, then a surprise $1 million grant was announced by honorary chairs Julia Argyros and daughter Stephanie Argyros that will specifically fund therapeutic programs for children.

Three generations of the Sonenshine family were honored for their longtime support of Human Options, an organization that helps women and children affected by domestic violence.

After a lively poolside cocktail hour and silent auction, the program began by honoring the Sonenshine family with Human Options’ 2014 Dove Award.

The family was instrumental in assisting the organization over 33 years ago when Justice Sheila Prell Sonenshine (now retired) counseled clients on

Honorees Kerri Sonenshine, Maggie Sonenshine, Danny Sonenshine, Ygal and Sheila Sonenshine and Sarah Sonenshine (in front)
Honorees Kerri Sonenshine, Maggie Sonenshine, Danny Sonenshine, Ygal and Sheila Sonenshine and Sarah Sonenshine (in front)

the legal process. Ygal and Sheila’s son Danny and wife Kerri later became involved and both have served on the board of directors and in a variety of other leadership positions over the past 13 years. The third generation includes Danny and Kerri’s young daughters Maggie and Sarah who were recognized for fundraising efforts including an annual Halloween costume drive, lemonade stands, birthday gift donations and art projects.

Community leaders Karla Kraft, Anderee Berengian and Tamie Rus served as event chairs, while Julia Argyros and daughter Stephanie Argyros were honorary event chairs.

The evening concluded with dancing and live music performed by the N8+ Jazz Band.

Stephanie, George and Julie Argyros (Stephanie and Julia were honorary event chairs and announced a $1 million grant that night)
Stephanie, George and Julie Argyros (Stephanie and Julia were honorary event chairs and announced a $1 million grant that night)

For more information about the Serious Fun fundraiser or Human Options call 949.737.5242 or visit