— — Photo courtesy JWA ©
Though David Whiting’s excellent Pulitzer writing skills cannot be denied, it is obvious in at least half of his articles lean left politically.
His view that the statue of John Wayne should be removed from the Orange County Airport is very sad and without merit. By basing his argument on a few statements he made 30 years ago, which were often the standard for the times, is an excuse to call for racism, sexism etc.
When in fact, John Wayne was a pillar of Orange County and California. He loved America, (instead of trying to destroy America as the left progressives are now doing) the Constitutions, the office of the president, our veterans, our culture, values and our freedom.
His remarks always supported patriotism, liberty and right to life.
He was a manly man, who exposed strength rather than weakness in men, and who, in his movies was always demonstrating good over evil and the little guy over the big government or corporations.
John Wayne lived in Newport Beach, and the OC airport is the only institution, other than a park on Cliff Drive, which bears his name in Orange County.
I admire him like millions of others, and love the tribute paid him by the citizens of Orange County by naming the airport after him. Let him be.
Therese Loutherback
Corona del Mar