Arbor Agents Turn Arborists for Tree Planting

The team from Arbor Real Estate helps Mayor Ed Selich and Council Member Tony Petros plant a new coral tree in Ensign View Park
The team from Arbor Real Estate helps Mayor Ed Selich and Council Member Tony Petros plant a new coral tree in Ensign View Park

The team from Newport Beach-based (and aptly-named) Arbor Real Estate was on hand at the recent dedication of a new coral tree to replace the previous tree at Ensign View Park in Newport Beach.

Arbor Real Estate donated the funds to purchase and plant the new tree, and partnered with the City of Newport Beach, Mayor Ed Selich and City Councilman Tony Petros in a ceremony on Monday, October 19.

In late September, the City of Newport Beach removed a large coral tree from Ensign View Park because the tree had split in half due to age and internal decay. At nearly 70 years of age, the tree was reaching the end of its anticipated life span, and coral trees are often susceptible to decay and limb failure due to their very large canopies and significant weight.

The tree was an iconic feature of the park and was treasured by community members and park visitors. The City immediately commenced a search for a suitable replacement tree to plant at the site.

Arbor Real Estate contacted the City to offer the firm’s assistance, with a representative noting in an email, “As kids here, we grew up with the coral tree, and our kids also have enjoyed it. We love the location, the view and the shade that a tree provides and would like to offer to subsidize the cost of the new tree planting.”

The City accepted the generous offer, so Arbor Real Estate donated $3,000 toward the cost of the new tree.

City arborists located and purchased a 60-inch-box, coral tree specimen that rises nearly 20 feet in height.

Participants in the tree planting included Mayor Ed Selich, Council Member Tony Petros, Parks, Beaches & Recreation Commission Chair Walt Howald, and members of Arbor Real Estate: Chris Brigandi, Kristin Barry, Jon Dishon, Nicole Dishon, Rob Montgomery, and Ron Millar.