Charity Spotlight: Angels Baseball Legends Hit a Home Run for Literacy

Angels baseball legends Chuck Finley, Rod Carew and Clyde Wright
Angels baseball legends Chuck Finley, Rod Carew and Clyde Wright

By NB Indy Staff / Photos by Chris Trela

 As a collaborative effort to promote literacy, Newport Beach-based The Literacy Project teamed up with Angels Baseball and Angels Alumni Association to host 100 second grade students at the fourth annual “Readers in the Outfield” event held last month at Angel Stadium.

When they students arrived, they were greeted by Angels Chairman Dennis Kuhl and Angels baseball legends Rod Carew, Chuck Finley (a Newport Beach resident), Clyde Wright, and other sponsors and supporters of TLP.

Former Angels star pitcher Chuck Finley of Newport Beach (left) talks to second grade students during the “Readers in the Outfield” event
Former Angels star pitcher Chuck Finley of Newport Beach (left) talks to second grade students during the “Readers in the Outfield” event

The memorable afternoon began with lunch featuring Angels hot dogs, while the students listened to inspirational stories from Angels Alumni about the importance of reading and becoming literate adults.

After lunch, the kids played the literacy board game that had helped them raise their reading scores from far below basic to class average in English proficiency.

Second grade students playing a literacy game
Second grade students playing a literacy game

The Literacy Project offers a comprehensive instructional program that improves both academic and attitudinal levels of students performing well below English proficiency standards. The program is provided at no cost to both the school and at-risk students in the second grade. The program teaches the fundamental principles of phonics and literacy in all three learning modalities—auditory, visual and tactile—critical to children with varying learning styles.

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