Shen Yun returns to Orange County for two shows, Jan. 11 and 12, at Segerstrom Hall.
Based in New York, Shen Yun Performing Arts offers an exhilarating world-class production on a grand scale. The performances celebrate the pure excellence and grandeur of classical Chinese dance and music, inspired by the myths, legends, and divine beauty of 5,000 years of traditional Chinese culture, which has been lost in the past decades in China.
Stage-shaking drums, descending clouds of heavenly maidens, flowing silk and flying handkerchiefs, awe-inspiring flips and leaps, mesmerizing reenactments of traditional Chinese folktales, breathtaking synchronized dancers, rainbows of hand-sewn colorful costumes, a soul-stirring traditional instrumental soloist, “Pavarotti of the East” vocalists, set against blockbuster-quality digital backdrops, with a full live orchestra fusing West and East — all are packed into the two-hour show.
The company comes to Orange County as part of the 30-country world tour, with an all-new production.
For more information, visit LAspectacular.com, or call 800-880-0188. Info and tickets are also available from the Segerstrom Center for the Arts at scfta.org or 714-556-ARTS.