An Active Boating Season Approaches


GEDSC DIGITAL CAMERAWhile last week winter continued with snow falling in several areas of the Midwest, it was appropriate for Newport’s sun worshipers to continue working on their summer tan.

Easter fashion was bathing suit attire on the boats cruising the harbor and shade hats were worn while the bonnets were left at home.

The seas and winds were calm off the coast and the traffic between the jetties reminded me of a normal summer Sunday.

We cruised around the bell buoy to salute the sea lions. The trip to Laguna’s Main Beach and back was picture perfect.

Big Corona beach and Pirate’s Cove had heavy use, and kids swam in the 62-degree water.

The kelp beds off Scotsman’s Cove provided quality diving for the adventurers and the west side of Irvine Cove proved a lure for several anchored fishing boats catching dinner.

I can’t recall seeing so many electric boats cruising as on Sunday. Pontoon boats are becoming more popular and the armada of trailer boats running under the Coast Highway Bridge in the late afternoon was constant.

We’re off to an active boating season this year. The photo of the jetty return traffic was shot around 4:30 p.m. and a few minutes later the Flyer arrived from Avalon loaded to the gills.

Sea Ya ‘round the waterfront,

Skipper Steve