Letter to the Editor: Getting to Know City Council Candidates

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Attending City Council meetings and spending the time to get to know our Council Members and candidates is time well spent.  While we’re all passionate about national elections, local elections are just as important.

Local leaders have a big impact on our quality of life. The time I’ve spent getting to know Sara Weber, Noah Blom, and Michelle Barto has given me the clarity and confidence in voting this week when my ballot arrived.

Sara Weber has the financial background that is essential to ensure responsible financial stewardship. I’ve enjoyed getting to know her and witness her energetic and optimistic approach to leadership.

Noah Blom’s passion for and deep-rooted commitment to protecting Newport Beach from the overreach of Sacramento has made a huge impact on me.  He’s a fighter for our way of life that I’m grateful to have on our side.

Michelle Barto is someone I’ve watched at school board meetings, and she’s got the leadership chops we need.  She demonstrates high level decision-making and strategic thinking—essential qualities for effective leaders.

These three candidates are forward thinking, love our community, and committed to protecting our City. Our residents, businesses, and visitors will be well served by their leadership.

Ruth Kobayashi / Newport Beach

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