Letter to the Editor: City Council Candidates Sign Code of Conduct


Good Neighbor Newport, a volunteer group of residents who are involved and passionate about the City of Newport Beach, is pleased to report that five of the six Newport Beach City Council candidates who will be on the ballot this November have signed its Election Code of Conduct.

They are for District 2 (Michelle Barto and Nancy Scarbrough); for District 5 (Jeff Herdman); and for District 7 (Miles Patircola and Sara Weber).

In signing the Code, candidates agree to present their records and policy ideas frankly and ensure that any criticism of their opponents is fair and accurate.

“We were troubled that so much campaigning is in a negative vein. We think people want to hear about issues, not insults,” said Chace Warmington, GNN member.

Independent groups and fervent supporters can be a source of misinformation.

Understanding that this is sometimes outside the control of candidates, the Code asks that they repudiate misrepresentations and misstatements from such sources quickly and firmly.

“The less time candidates have to spend denying lies and clearing up misinformation, the more time they can devote to telling voters exactly what they will try to accomplish if elected,” said Paul Watkins, another GNN member.

“Running a clean and respectful campaign is a great way for them to demonstrate their values and show that they will put the best interests of the city and community first,” said Keith Curry, former Newport Beach mayor.

Nancy Gardner, ngardner636@gmail.com

Good Neighbor Newport is a volunteer group of residents who are involved and passionate about the City of Newport Beach. Members include former mayors; former and current members of city boards, commissions and committees; leaders of local environmental and other non-profit groups; and three citizens of the year. It is a diverse group in terms of age, expertise and politics. This diversity is fundamental to its mission: to preserve and protect the quality of life of Newport Beach.