Newport Beach City Arts Commission Meeting Agenda for March 14


The Newport Beach City Arts Commission is scheduled to meet on Thursday, March 14 at 5 p.m. in the Newport Beach City Council Chambers at 100 Civic Center Drive.

The City Arts Commission Members are Maureen Flanagan, Chair; Leonard Simon, Vice Chair; Barbara George, Secretary; John Blom, Commissioner; Melissa Kandel, Commissioner; Wayan Kaufman, Commissioner; Marie Little, Commissioner.

Staff Members for the Arts Commission are Melissa Hartson, Library Services Director and Camille Escareal-Garcia, Cultural Arts Assistant.

Agenda items on the consent calendar include a financial report and a monthly review of cultural arts activities.

Current Business:

  • Review of Sculpture Exhibition in Civic Center Park Public Online Survey Results, Phase IX: The Newport Beach City Arts Commission will review the results of the public online survey for Phase IX of the Sculpture Exhibition in Civic Center Park. Ten sculptures and three to five alternates will be recommended to City Council at their regular meeting on April 9. Pending Council approval, the selected works will be exhibited in Civic Center Park for a two-year period.
  • Sculpture Exhibition Ad Hoc Subcommittee: Staff recommends that the City Arts Commission form an ad hoc subcommittee for the purpose of reviewing the current structure of the Sculpture Exhibition program in Civic Center Park and developing proposed Sculpture Exhibition program options that align with the current $135,000 General Fund budget allocation for the program.
  • Public Relations and Marketing Ad Hoc Subcommittee: Chair Flanagan will appoint a Public Relations and Marketing Ad Hoc Subcommittee to review the current marketing strategies and budget and make recommendations to improve communication and public awareness of cultural arts events and programs.

There will be times for public comments on agenda items and non-agenda items. To read the complete Arts Commission meeting agenda, visit