NBPD Holding Motorcycle Safety Enforcement Operation Throughout May

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The Newport Beach Police Department will have extra officers on patrol during the month of May from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. looking specifically for violations made by drivers and motorcycle riders.

The top primary crash factors for motorcycles are unsafe speed, improper turning, right-of-way violations, driving under the influence and unsafe lane changes. Speeding is the most common, accounting for nearly a third of all crashes in the state.

To help protect you and your family, keep the following tips in mind while driving or riding:


  • Always check twice for motorcycles in your mirrors and blind spots.
  • Use your signal when changing lanes.
  • Never follow a motorcycle too closely. Always keep a safe distance.
  • When at an intersection, allow enough space before turning.


  • Always wear a DOT compliant helmet and protective gear.
  • Consider adding reflective tape to make it easier for other drivers to see you.
  • Always keep your lights on, even during the day.
  • Don’t assume drivers see you: signal well in advance before changing lanes and watch for turning vehicles.
  • Although lane splitting is legal, the practice is not encouraged at high speeds in free-flowing traffic.

Funding for this program is provided by a grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety, through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

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