Letter to the Editor: Joe Stapleton Acts in the Best Interest of Newport Beach


“The smallest deed is better than the greatest intention.” –John Burroughs

To me a clear divide exists in this year’s City Council race for District 1; intention versus deed. I have been involved in the City of Newport Beach for more than 30 years. Sitting on Boards, Commissions, non-profits and City Council has provided me the good fortune and experience with many citizens active in community affairs.

I have literally met hundreds, if not thousands, who I have seen act in the best interest of Newport Beach.

Joe Stapleton is one of these examples. Whether it is the City’s Finance Committee, Harbor Commission, Chamber of Commerce or Newport Beach Foundation, I have watched Joe conduct himself in a manner that puts Newport Beach first. I have a history of examples to judge him by. Examples that led him to be selected by his peers as Newport Beach Citizen of the Year. I know how he will act as the next City Council member because I have seen how he has acted as a private citizen. Joe is dependable, honest and full of integrity.

In my many years working in the best interest of the City, I have not once seen his opponent, Tom Miller. Not at one Environmental Nature Center event, Chamber of Commerce mixer, Planning Commission hearing or City Council meeting. Not one Speak Up Newport or Wake Up Newport. And all of a sudden Mr. Miller intends to represent us.

Mr. Miller intends to demonstrate his ability as a new face in the political discourse, with absolutely no community experience or record to run on.

This is a race of intention versus deed. I want to feel safe in my vote based on a record of service that I can judge. Please join me in voting for the only experienced candidate. Vote for Joe Stapleton in November.

Tony Petros / Former Newport Beach City Councilmember

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