Letter to the Editor: Joe Stapleton has Experience for Newport Beach City Council

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As we move toward election day in November with a focus on the Newport Beach City Council candidates, I’m looking at each candidate’s experience and hands down, Joe Stapleton’s experience qualifies him for the position.

He’s a person who will not only initiate and lead efforts to improve our quality of life, but he will also roll up his sleeves to do the work.

I have served on the Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce Board with him as well as on the Executive Committee of the Commodores Club – and those are just two of the numerous Boards and organizations that he has served.

Currently he sits on the City’s Finance Committee and has served on the Harbor Commission. With that intimate knowledge of The City, he comes to the Council with a solid foundation for his seat on the dais.

I believe that Joe is an independent thinker and will do what needs to be done in the best interest of all Newport Beach residents.

Marie Case / Newport Beach

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