Baroque Music Festival in Corona del Mar Hosts Winter Musicale and Fundraiser March 6

Baroque Music Festival Artistic Director and violinist Elizabeth Blumenstock / photo by Gary Payne

The Baroque Music Festival in Corona del Mar is planning its 42nd annual Festival scheduled to take place in June, but why wait for summer when you can celebrate Baroque music now.

The Festival’s Winter Musicale 2022 takes place on Sunday, March 6, at St. Mark Presbyterian Church in Newport Beach. This concert and fundraiser is the group’s primary fundraising event and includes a chamber recital performance followed by a fundraising dinner.

Ticket sales are anticipated to cover only 30 percent of the concert expenses this reopening year, so your contribution is more important than ever.

Anyone who contributed $125 or more per person after August 1, 2021 are welcome to attend the Winter Musicale event as a thank you for supporting the live 2022 summer season.

If you are interested in attending and are not already on the Baroque Music Festival mailing list, or are on the mailing list and have not yet received an invitation by mail or email, you may print the RSVP form and view current underwriting opportunities at

Donations and RSVPs may be sent digitally or by mail (please include a copy of the RSVP form available at to arrive before February 25. Any questions, please contact the Baroque Music Festival at

The health and safety of supporters, performers, volunteers and staff is a priority. The current requirements to attend in-person events are proof of full vaccination and booster (administered no less than two weeks before March 6), and KN95 masking for all attendees and participants throughout the event, except when activity eating and drinking at dinner. Dinner to go after the concert will also be offered. KN95 masks will be provided. There may be further updates to this protocol prior to the Winter Musicale.

St. Mark Presbyterian Church is at 2200 San Joaquin Hills Road (at MacArthur Blvd.) in Newport Beach.


5 p.m. in the Sanctuary

Featured Program: “Channel Surfing!”

The Sanctuary seats 300 and the estimated audience size is 60-80 with social distancing between masked audience groups. Every other row will be blocked off. KN95 masks or equivalent will be provided on arrival. Concert seating is not preassigned, however a note will be taken of guests’ locations for contact tracing purposes. St. Mark’s have upgraded their filters and their air filtration system is regularly maintained.

The concert features Elizabeth Blumenstock (violin), Janet Strauss (violin), Aaron Westman (violin, viola), Leif Woodward (cello, viola da gamba), Stephen Stubbs (baroque guitar), Ian Pritchard (harpsichord).

They will perform a rich and varied program of chamber music from both sides of the English Channel:

Purcell, Henry (1659-1695): Suite from Abdelazar, Z.570

Matteis, Nicola (1650-1714): Aria Amorosa and Ground from Suite in E Minor,  Book 4

Jacquet de La Guerre, Elisabeth (1665-1729): Trio Sonata No. 3 in D Major

Couperin, Louis (1626-1661): Pavane in F# Minor for solo harpsichord

Rebel, Jean-Féry (1666-1747): Suite Les caractères de la danse

Matteis: Suite for Solo Baroque Guitar

Purcell: Three Parts Upon a Ground, Z.731

6 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall

Dinner by Suzanne’s Catering & Fundraising Opportunities

Seating will be at preassigned large round banqueting tables of 6-8 people.

Food serving tables are located outside and patio doors will remain open to maximize airflow, so please dress accordingly.

For more information the Baroque Music Festival, visit