Letter to the Editor: A Dedicated and Effective Representative


My husband and I are long time Newport Beach residents (50+ years). As such we have watched city council members come and go and we have watched the council races get meaner and nastier.

Sadly, that seems to apply to the current city council election. Rumor, innuendo and downright lies seem to be the way campaigns are conducted now.

I know Jeff Herdman as a neighbor, as a councilman and as a tireless advocate for improving the impact of John Wayne Airport on the lives of the citizens surrounding the Airport.

I formerly served as President of AirFair, I was part of the team that helped to negotiate the latest Settlement Agreement. When Jeff was elected to the Council in 2016, he immediately immersed himself in learning all he could about operations at the Airport.  In my opinion, Councilman Herman is one of those largely responsible for the current good situation that has evolved at the Airport—the recently approved General Aviation Improvement Program.

As I learned in my negotiations regarding the Settlement Agreement, there is no such thing as “Winner Takes All” regarding John Wayne Airport. A compromise is always the best and only way.

Both of us will be voting to re-elect Jeff Herdman to the Newport Beach City Council.  We believe he has been an extremely hard-working, dedicated and effective representative.

Melinda & Hall Seely /  Newport Beach