COVID-19 Concerns Force Newport Beach City Hall to Close Beginning July 13


Newport Beach City Hall will close to the public beginning July 13, based on concerns for the health and safety of employees and the public as COVID-19 cases increase throughout the state and County of Orange.

All City services will continue through phone, email and drop-off/pickup.

For planning, building, public works or fire permit applications, customers will be asked to leave applications in a designated drop box outside City Hall. Plan checks and revisions can be submitted for review by email or drop box. For development services related questions please call (949) 718-1888.

The Cashier’s Office will accept payments online.

The Newport Beach Public Library will continue to provide pickup and drop-off services through

In alignment with City Hall, the City’s Police Department has closed its front-counter service to the public. However, all essential police services will continue, and communications are being handled by phone and email.

The public is encouraged to participate in City Council and commission meetings through the live webstream at and can comment live by phone.

These measures will be in place until further notice. The City, in coordination with Orange County health department, will monitor COVID-19 data for indications that COVID-19 cases are flattening or declining.

Newport Beach City Hall initially began reopening to the public on May 18 with strict practices in place to prevent the spread of COVID-19. By June 1, all City Hall services opened to the public, with face covering and physical distancing required at all times.