Charity Spotlight: PIMCO Gifts $25K to Girls Inc. of Orange County


Girls Inc. of Orange County, the nonprofit whose mission is to inspire all girls to be strong, smart, and bold, has received a $25,000 grant from Newport Beach-based PIMCO, a global investment management firm focusing on active fixed income management.

This grant was given to the organization to support college programming and will help Girls Inc. of Orange County continue to provide online tools and resources to girls involved in the College Bound program.

“We could not be more thankful for PIMCO’s generosity and support of our college bound girls,” states Lucy Santana, CEO of Girls Inc. of Orange County. “Now more than ever, we need to support our girls who have more barriers to attend college. We are so pleased to make the transition to 100 percent virtual and online programming, and with the help of PIMCO’s generous grant, we are able to continue our College Bound program.”

The College Bound program was created to empower girls to graduate on time, go on to higher education, and seek rewarding careers that will provide self-sufficiency. College Bound not only offers guidance through the complex and highly competitive college application and entrance process, but also provides programming to help girls learn to advocate for their needs, develop safe and healthy relationships, take charge of their own health, gain the resilience needed when facing challenges, and have the confidence to pursue their goals. Focal points of the program include college readiness, life skills, and workforce readiness.

With the support of PIMCO and Girls Inc. of Orange County’s quick transition to online programming, the nonprofit’s college bound girls have not experienced any loss of learning and are able to prepare for college through the use of online tools and virtual resources.

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