Police sent out alerts this week about multiple residential burglaries in Spyglass Hill and Harbor View.
On Monday, Newport Beach Police Department shared two Nixle crime alerts about home burglaries.
The most recent incident happened around 12:45 a.m. on Sept. 6 on Montecito Drive.
An unknown suspect entered the backyard through unknown means while the victim was away.
The suspect checked to see if the first-floor rear door was unlocked, then climbed on a patio chair and barbeque to access the roof, police reported. The suspect attempted to enter through the master bedroom window, but was unsuccessful. Ultimately, the suspect was able to get into the home by shattering a bathroom window.
Inside the home, three bedrooms and the laundry room were ransacked. The master closet door was forced open, and the closet ransacked as well. The suspect fled the scene after setting off an alarm, according to the NBPD message.
Earlier in the month and in another part of town, two residential burglaries were reported in the Harbor View neighborhood.
The first occurred on Sept. 3, between 6:20 p.m. and 9:50 p.m., in the 2400 block of Port Whitby Pl.
Again the victim was out for the evening when the unknown suspect forced their way into the home. The suspect ransacked the cabinets before fleeing the scene, police reported.
Upon returning home, the victim discovered that a kitchen window screen had been removed, the window pried open and a garage pedestrian door pried open.
Another Harbor View home, in the 2100 block of Port Durness Pl., was broken into between 7:30 p.m. on Sept. 3 and 12:15 p.m. on Sept. 4, according to the NBPD alert.
Once again, an unknown suspect entered the home while the victim was away. The suspect entered the house through the unlocked rear glass door leading to the family room.
Once inside, the suspect went through closets, cabinets and storage areas in the bedrooms and dining room before fleeing the scene.
Nothing was reported stolen in any of the cases.
Report all suspicious activity by calling the Newport Beach Police Department at (949) 644-3717.
For more information, visit nbpd.org.

— Courtesy NBPD