Newport Beach Public Library Foundation Appoints New CEO


The Newport Beach Public Library Foundation has hired Newport Beach native Meg Linton as its new Chief Executive Officer. 

Ms. Linton brings a vibrant new energy to the Foundation, backed by over 20 years of leading and stewarding cultural institutions, non-profits, and academic arts programs.

She will steer the nonprofit in its efforts to fund valuable library resources, programs and services, and engage the community through the creation and sponsorship of diverse literary, cultural, and intellectual programs.

According to Cathy Voreyer, Chair of the NBPL Foundation’s Board, “Our goal was to find a leader who understands the history as well as the vision of the Library Foundation, and who can propel us into the next decade with strong leadership and thought-provoking ideas. We are confident that Ms. Linton is that leader.”

Prior to joining the Foundation, Ms. Linton was the Executive Director of the Museum of Contemporary Art Santa Barbara (formerly the Contemporary Arts Forum), Director of Galleries and Exhibitions for the Ben Maltz Gallery at the Otis College of Art and Design in Los Angeles, and Executive Director of the Center for Contemporary Arts in Santa Fe, New Mexico. 

She grew up in Newport Beach and fondly recalls her childhood memories visiting the Newport Beach Public Library. 

Ms. Linton completed a Master of Fine Arts degree at California State University, Fullerton, obtained a Certificate in Museum Leadership from The Getty Leadership Institute in Los Angeles, and earned her Bachelor’s degree in English at the University of California, Irvine.

Peter Keller, President of the Bowers Museum in Santa Ana, says “Ms. Linton is highly skilled and knowledgeable, a person who will be a powerful addition to the Orange County community.”

Ms. Linton’s appointment follows the hiring of Kunga Wangmo-Upshaw as the Foundation’s new Director of Programs.

“I am thrilled to be appointed CEO of the Foundation and look forward to working closely with Kunga, the Staff and Board of Directors to accomplish the organization’s worthwhile objectives,” says Meg Linton.

As a non-profit organization, the Newport Beach Public Library Foundation depends on its members and sponsors to achieve its objectives in support of the Library.

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