Local PAC Endorses Two Council Candidates

2018 Newport Beach City Council candidates Tim Stoaks and Joy Brenner were recently endorsed by local PAC, Line in the Sand.
— Photos courtesy Tim Stoaks and Joy Brenner

Local Political Action Committee, Line in The Sand, recently announced its endorsement of two candidates in this year’s race for Newport Beach City Council.

LITS put their support behind Tim Stoaks in District 3, which covers Castaways, Dover Shores, and up the bay to Santa Ana Heights. The group also supported Joy Brenner for District 6, which covers Corona del Mar.

Currently, Mayor Marshall “Duffy” Duffield represents District 3 and Councilman Scott Peotter in District 6.

Brenner and Stoaks are longtime residents whose values and goals align with LITS, officials explained in a recent press release.

“The two candidates have track records of standing up for residents and working to prevent overdevelopment and traffic,” the statement reads.

The PAC also cites the candidates’ opposition to Measure Y and the Museum House project as their reasons for support.

The group calls both “independent thinkers” who have longstanding ties to the community, noting their service with local groups like the CdM Residents Association (Brenner) and Friends of the Newport Beach Animal Shelter (Stoaks).

Representing residents and local business owners should be the Council’s top priority, LITS officials wrote.

Both Brenner and Stoaks’ philosophies and platforms are in “stark contrast” to the incumbents, the statement explains.

For more information, visit lineinthesandpac.com