— Photo by Sara Hall ©
Wednesday’s 5 p.m. election results update brought with it yet another dramatic change-up — and at a difference of just 45 votes, a more narrow gap — in the race for the coveted second place position in the 48th Congressional District, which covers Newport Beach.
The latest update caused Hans Keirstead and Harley Rouda, both Democrats from Laguna Beach, to again swap places, leaving Keirstead in the much sought after number two spot and likely headed to face-off against Republican incumbent Dana Rohrabacher in November.
Votes for Keirstead and Rouda, along with Huntington Beach Republican Scott Baugh, were close throughout Tuesday night. Keirstead led for most of the night but was bumped down by Rouda after the midnight numbers were reported.
Keirstead stands with 18,827 votes and Rouda with 18,782 following Wednesday’s 5 p.m. update.
Following the update, Keirstead said on social media that the numbers will continue to fluctuate and there are still many ballots yet to be counted in the district.
“It’s extremely important we respect and allow the process to continue,” he wrote. “We look forward to celebrating a win, but what is needed now is patience and kindness.”
He also pointed out that either way there will be a Democrat on the ballot to challenge Rohrabacher in November.
“Whoever prevails will need the support of a united party behind them,” Keirstead concluded.
Updates will continue each weekday by 5 p.m. until the final official results are posted.
To read the earlier story of the race, click here.
For more information, visit ocvote.com.

— Photo by Victoria Kertz ©