Charitable Standup Paddleboard Event Creates ‘Sea of Pink’

A previous Standup for the Cure.
— NB Indy file photo ©

The bay will be dotted with pink paddlers next weekend, as more than 1,000 breast cancer advocates and paddling enthusiasts will unite for an annual charitable event at Newport Dunes.

The 7th Annual Standup for the Cure will be held from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. on May 5.

All proceeds will benefit Susan G. Komen Orange County to support local breast health education, services and research, event officials explain in a press release.

“Seeing the Sea of Pink paddlers united on the water and in their commitment to support women with breast cancer, I appreciate how powerful we are when we come together as a community, and our incredible potential to save lives,” Lisa Wolter, executive director of Susan G. Komen OC, commented in the prepared statement.

At least five women in OC are diagnosed with breast cancer every day, Wolter noted.

“The fundraising from Standup goes a long way to helping turn patients into survivors,” she added.

Since its inception in 2012, the SUP event has raised more than $1 million for the Susan G. Komen organization, including $495,000 for the Orange County affiliate, according to officials.

The benefit is two-fold, explained event Executive Director Dan Van Dyck in the prepared statement.

“Standup for the Cure’s focus is to introduce non-paddlers to the healthy lifestyle of standup paddling while building a supportive community bound by the desire to save lives through early breast cancer detection while we search for a cure,” Van Dyck said.

Kaiser Permanente will offer free breast cancer and skin cancer screenings during the event.

More than 1,800 women have received breast cancer and skin cancer screenings free-of-charge at Standup for the Cure events held across the United States, including in Miami, Seattle and Muskegon, Mich., according to event officials.

The family-friendly event welcomes paddlers of all experience, as well as “dry-foot” participants who can enjoy activities on land.

Other activities on the sand will include yoga classes, live music, and a raffle and silent auction.

There will also be a Hawaiian blessing of survivors and white dove release followed by the “Sea of Pink,” a ceremonial parade for all paddlers in attendance.

Registration opens at 8 a.m. and a free standup paddleboard clinic and standup yoga clinic for all levels starts at 9 a.m.

The day continues with races, events, and raffle prizes announced at 2 p.m.

Entry fee is $35 per person for regular registration and $30 for breast cancer survivors.  Participants can register as individuals or as a team and set a fundraising goal.

Online registration includes a complimentary pink Standup for the Cure jersey.  All-day parking is available at Newport Dunes for $5 per vehicle. Although there will be plenty of boards available, participants are encouraged to bring their personal boards or rent them for the day for easier access to the water.

Standup for the Cure aims to build a “compassionate, empathetic, nationwide community to foster a healthy lifestyle while raising money for early breast cancer detection, treatment, and education.”

Susan G. Komen is the world’s largest breast cancer organization, funding more breast cancer research than any other nonprofit while providing real-time help to those facing the disease. The organization has set a goal to reduce the current number of breast cancer deaths by 50 percent in the U.S. by 2026.  

Presenting sponsors are Kaiser Permanente and Boardworks.  Gold sponsors are Barefoot Wine & Bubbly, Kona Brewing Co., Home Point Financial, and Palladium Hotel Group.  Silver sponsors are Maui Jim, AO Coolers and Pau Maui Vodka. Supporting sponsor is On Point Promotions.

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