Holiday Season Blows Into Town


With Hanukkah in full swing and Christmas on the way, the holiday season hit town like a Pacific storm this weekend. Some of our photographers were on hand, and here are some photos of the activities and fun. Other holiday photos are in the Slideshow, page 20.



Holiday1: Rabbi Mark Miller gives a talk at Temple Bat Yahm beside a menorah made from barbed wire from the Auschwitz camp. Photo by Charles Weinberg

Holiday2: A girl lights a menorah during a children’s service at Temple Bat Yahm. Photo by Charles Weinberg

Holiday3: Auschwitz survivor Ely Litsky, who is celebrating his 100th birthday, was featured at a ceremonial menorah lighting at Fashion Island last weekend. Photo by Charles Weinberg

Holiday4: Auschwitz survivor Ely Litsky and Rabbi Reuven Mintz of Chabad Jewish Center lighted a menorah made of dreidles at Fashion Island. Photo by Lawrence Sherwin

Holiday5: A big crowd turned out for the Corona del Mar Christmas Walk on Sunday, and many of them stopped in at the Beer and Wine Garden. Photo by Jim Collins

Holiday6: The Newport Beat entertained passersby in CdM during the Christmas Walk. Photo by Lawrence Sherwin

Holiday7: Everyone was all smiles in CdM for the Christmas walk. Photy by Lawrence Sherwin