SPON Launches ‘Spirit of Newport Beach’ Contest


A local community group is sponsoring a contest that encourages residents to “capture the spirit of Newport Beach”

Stop Polluting Our Newport, a nonprofit “working to protect the residential and environmental qualities of Newport Beach,” announced the contest on Wednesday. Locals interested in entering are meant to capture the theme of the contest in a phrase of five words or less, or in a photograph or drawing.

“During our various outreach efforts this past year, one thing was amazingly clear and consistent… everyone has strong feelings about Newport Beach and why they love living here,” organizers explain in a press release.

The contest is the organization’s way of hearing the stories from residents of why they love Newport Beach.

There will be three contest jurors: Evelyn Hart, Tom Johnson and Steve Rosansky. They were selected because of their long-standing ties to the community and because “they know the city as well as anyone.”

The judges will work independently from SPON to evaluate the entries and will select three winners in each category. The winners will be able to choose a gift certificate to a participating institution on the “SPON Treasures” list. In each category, first place will earn $150, second $100, and third $50.

The contest will run until April 22.

To enter or read the official rules, visit SpiritofNB.org. For more information about SPON, visit SPON-NewportBeach.org.