Charity Spotlight: Segerstrom Guilds Hold Education Fundraiser

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Phil Moon, Carol Hunter-Moon, Marilyn McCorkle, Sandy Bass
Phil Moon, Carol Hunter-Moon, Marilyn McCorkle, Sandy Bass

The Guilds of Segerstrom Center for the Arts held its annual fundraiser on April 1 at The Island Hotel in Newport Beach, raising more than $125,000 to support Segerstrom Center’s education programs.

The theme was California Surfing, with a title of “Celebrate Creativity: Catch our Wave.”

Marilyn McCorkle chaired this year’s event, which honored Carol Hunter

Idit Ferder, Marilyn McCorkle, Stuart Winston
Idit Ferder, Marilyn McCorkle, Stuart Winston

with The Guilds Inspiration Award. Sandy Bass and Marjorie Gorum co-chair The Guilds.

Entertainment included the Surf City All Stars, a Beach Boys tribute

band. At the event, a video was screened that celebrated the Center’s Summer at the Center program (celebrating its 25th year this summer) for at-risk teenagers. SATC alum Charisma was on hand to share her experience in the program.

Lugano Diamonds was the lead sponsor and provided the raffle grand prize, a South Sea pearl and aquamarine necklace, which was won by Bonne Wheeler.

For more information, visit

Michela and Russ Engle
Michela and Russ Engle
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