Regatta Updates


A number of local boats traveled to Long Beach for the annual Ullman Sails Long Beach Race Week. In terms of attendance, LBRW is among biggest and best attended keelboat events in LA/OC area.

Of the local sailors who ventured to Long Beach for this event, David Ullman’s team, TP52 Rebel Yell, was the top finisher in the “Random Leg” PHRF Class, while Jim Madden’s J145  Stark Raving Mad came out on top over the Richley family’s classic Choate 48 Amante and Chris Heman’s IMS-40 Entrope. Longtime Melges 24 veteran Bruce Ayers made a celebrity guest appearance in the Catalina 37 Class, finishing a close second to a local Alamitos Bay team.

Full race results are available at .

Upcoming Events:
July 2-3 – Marina Del Rey to San Diego Race (PHRF)
July 4 – LIYC – Laser Slalom Regatta (Lasers)
July 4 – Transpac Start #1 – Smaller Classes
July 8 – Transpac Start #2 – Big Boat Classes
July 9 – BYC – “66 Series” Number 4 (PHRF)