Newport Harbor Sailing News

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The 32-foot Westsail at Anchor in Magdalena Bay
The 32-foot Westsail at Anchor in Magdalena Bay

Although power boaters’ season is year round, the racing sailors do have a season. It seems to me from before Thanksgiving to the middle of winter, the race boats more often than not stayed tied up to their berths, except Balboa Yacht Club.

Sooooo – it’s almost the middle of winter and that means racing will commence very soon!

Balboa Yacht Club will start off their mid-winter season, (which I suspect is an annual event) to cruise to Avalon Feb. 7, 8 and 9.

Last Wednesday was a kick-off dinner at the club. They have a fun-filled weekend planned which includes evening cocktails and a Saturday dinner. Three Saturday events for the group include a drive and hike beach clean-up to Ben Weston Beach.

For those who attend I recommend taking your fishing poles and best jigs as experience shows this is also a productive fish area.

One can also take a land cruise to Mt. Ada and have lunch at the Inn. The views and sights along the route and the Inn are spectacular.

The final event is a trip to the museum which is under the internationally famous Casino. I try to visit the museum when in Avalon at least once a year as their displays change annually.

The theme this year is “100 Years of Bizarre, Fascinating and Colorful History.” It’s never dull there as the patrons always add to the info.

As their members know, the club also has a sizable power boat fleet which will compliment the armada. The club is also lessee of White’s Cove, a couple miles west of Avalon, which is a very active cove during the summer months.

Newport Harbor Yacht Club will hold the Winter Series races on Feb. 15. This is a tune up for the historic S.C.Y.A. Midwinter Regatta held Feb. 16 and Feb. 23. The club has held these races for as long as I can remember.

Bahia Corinthian Yacht Club featured the beginning of their Ocean Series on Jan. 18 and Ocean Series 2 Regatta will be held Feb. 8. This series will continue through spring and the summer months.

I saw that Paul Konapelsky has been voted their Commodore for 2014. He owns a 40-foot power boat by the name Kona Kai. For many years I’ve admired a 40-foot Pacifica of that name on the Little Island. I’ve always thought Costa Mesa built Pacificas were the best of the best sportfishers in their day and have admired my brother-in-law Ken Knight for being one of the original founders of that company and for founding Angler’s Center, which is an internationally acclaimed tackle and fishing hardware business.

Lido Isle Yacht Club held a Midwinter Tune-Up Regatta on Jan. 19, and the February calendar showed a blank slate.

I’ve included my photo of a 32-foot Westsail at anchor in Magdalena Bay near the southern end of Baja. This is one of many sailboat brands made in Costa Mesa in the 70s and their noted design and seaworthiness allowed their owners to cruise all over the world.

They sold new and complete for $32,000.  My, have times changed!

Sea Ya,

Skipper Steve

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