Boat Parade Wrap

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Wow—what a parade!

We’ve just concluded another fantastic Christmas Boat Parade. Congratulations are in order to the Newport Chamber, Commodores and an abundance of volunteers that it took for the million (or so) spectators who were in awe of the large armada of boats and yachts that participated. Bravo one and all!

A few thoughts and observations from the Skipper: The parade was managed from the efficient team on VHF radio channel 68. I was super impressed by the hands-on organized effort of parade manager David Beek and his team. Kudos to everyone. Friday night I could have sworn the leader’s voice sounded like Ralph Rodheim. The final radio farewells included sign offs to Ralph, so my curiosity was answered.

We had a few sprinkles land on our heads Thursday night, but, not a bother. Whether it is the semi-annual Lido Village Boat Show or our parade, it wouldn’t be normal unless we have a little weather. Funny how that happens.

As one ages, we find a lot of pleasure in the memories. I’ve been piloting boats in this event since I was a teenager, and that was a long, long time ago. During those times my folks aboard were entertaining their friends. Whether it be your friends or the spectators on shore, the Holiday season is really about giving your time and effort so others can be thrilled with the parade. What a life! Only in Newport!

It is quite common this time of year to be warm and wearing our summer clothes. Christmas day in our family (and others) included taking our relatives out for a bay cruise in my Dad’s boat before the evening meal. Our guests always enjoyed the cruise and would marvel at Newport Harbor and envious of our life style. Yes, I will mention it again, only in Newport! We are the envy of the world.

For the boaters out there, don’t forget Catalina for New Years. Avalon and the Isthmus have events for young and old. For the fishermen amongst us, this time of the year is excellent for White Sea bass. The fruit of our Newport Bay, sea bass pens and those of other harbors are increasing each year as the tens of thousands are released each June. Scripps and the Balboa Angling Club are to be commended for their time and expense. Similar to the Christmas Boat Parade, the volunteers are what make this a success. Kudos!

Speaking for myself and other boaters, this is the best time to partake in cruising. The off season, which is really an oxymoron, is the most peaceful and enjoying part of the year. Fewer Duffy rentals to cross your path and annoy you, along with paddle rentals to fall off in front of your bow.

For those in control of their own schedule, when the temperature hits 70, drop what you’re doing and play hooky. Use the excuse that by running the boat you’re performing preventative maintenance. I do!

Sea Ya,

Skipper Steve

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