2017 Newport Beach Film Festival Went Deep

NB Film Fest co-founder and CEO Gregg Schwenk, Laird Hamilton, Gabby Reece, NB Film Fest co-founder and Director of Marketing Todd Quartararo / photo by Chuck Weinberg
NB Film Fest co-founder and CEO Gregg Schwenk, Laird Hamilton, Gabby Reece, NB Film Fest co-founder and Director of Marketing Todd Quartararo / photo by Chuck Weinberg

The Newport Beach Film Festival decided to “Go Deeper” for its 18th annual incarnation that ran April 20 – 27, starting with the opening night film, “Take Every Wave: The Life of Laird Hamilton” (a documentary about an American icon who forever changed the sport of big wave surfing) and continuing through to “The Expectation,” the closing film of the Festival.

In between there were world premieres, U.S. premieres, and West Coast premieres. Hundreds of cast and crew members walked a red carpet and posed for photos.

Side Deal performed at the Opening Night Gala
Side Deal performed at the Opening Night Gala

The opening night gala party in Fashion Island featured an appearance by Cirque du Soleil performers from “O” along with a performance by Side Deal featuring members of Train, Sugar Ray and Pawnshop Kings. There were also dozens of local restaurants, plus and cocktails courtesy of Tito’s vodka.

Nightly spotlight films gave way to nightly parties attended by VIPs, cast and crews. Among the highlights: An honors program at Balboa Bay Resort, an Irish party at Muldoon’s, and the chance to meet a rising filmmaker or actor.

Spotlight Party / photo by Victor Amezquita

Over eight days, some 400 documentaries, short subjects, music videos, feature films, and student movies were screened for an audience that totaled nearly 50,000.

Festival co-founders Gregg Schwenk and Todd Quartararo are already at work on next year’s festival.

Gary Oldman (second from left) and the cast of Carnival of Dreams / photo by Charles Weinberg
Gary Oldman (second from left) and the cast of Carnival of Dreams / photo by Charles Weinberg


Drummers at a Spotlight Party / photo by Chris Trela
Drummers at a Spotlight Party / photo by Chris Trela
Lynn Selich interviews Laird Hamilton and Gabby Reece at the opening night VIP reception / photo by Chris Trela
Lynn Selich interviews Laird Hamilton and Gabby Reece at the opening night VIP reception / photo by Chris Trela
The cast of Take My Nose...Please / photo by Charles Weinberg
The cast of Take My Nose…Please / photo by Charles Weinberg
Cast of The Scent of Rain and Lightning / photo by Charles Weinberg
Cast of The Scent of Rain and Lightning / photo by Charles Weinberg
The cast of Heart Baby / photo by Charles Weinberg
The cast of Heart Baby / photo by Charles Weinberg
Susan Singer Carter and Valerie Harper / photo by Charles Weinberg
Susan Singer Carter and Valerie Harper / photo by Charles Weinberg
Chef Rachel Haggstrom prepares cuisine for the Honors Reception at Balboa Bay Resort
Chef Rachel Haggstrom prepares cuisine for the Honors Reception at Balboa Bay Resort / photo by Chris Trela
NB Film Fest Co-Founders Gregg Schwenk and Todd Quartararo / photo by Charles Weinberg
NB Film Fest Co-Founders Gregg Schwenk and Todd Quartararo / photo by Charles Weinberg
Lido Theater screened many of the films at the NB Film Fest / photo by Chris Trela
Lido Theater screened many of the films at the NB Film Fest / photo by Chris Trela
Newport Beach Independent editor Christopher Trela and columnist Catherine Del Casale / photo by Charles Weinberg
Newport Beach Independent editor Christopher Trela and columnist Catherine Del Casale / photo by Charles Weinberg