1221 Club Presents Annual Scholarship Awards

1221 Club scholarship winners Eliza Jason (Estancia), Jose Avonce and Caroline Quigg (Newport Harbor High), Taylor Fogarty and Patrick Ong (Corona del Mar High) and 1221 Club Vice President Devon Martin
1221 Club scholarship winners Eliza Jason (Estancia), Jose Avonce and Caroline Quigg (Newport Harbor High), Taylor Fogarty and Patrick Ong (Corona del Mar High) and 1221 Club Vice President Devon Martin

Twenty years ago, The 1221 Club (named after the club’s Coast Highway address) was formed at Balboa Bay Club, providing the women of BBC with a community where good times, warm friendships and new acquaintances could be found and fostered.

The women of The 1221 Club are united not only in their desire to enjoy a unique sense of belonging within Balboa Bay Club, but also by sharing a common mission: to serve their community.

In addition to The 1221 Clubs social activities and events, their charitable giving has created an endowment that now awards $150,000 in scholarships annually to local high school students within the Newport/Mesa School District. With the 2015 awards, the 1221 Club has broken the million dollar mark in total scholarships awarded.

Annual 1221 Club Membership dues are $300, all of which go directly to the endowment fund to

Patrick Ong and Taylor Fogarty
Patrick Ong and Taylor Fogarty

award these amazing students. All donations are tax deductible and worthy for charitable giving. The 1221 Club currently has approximately 80-100 Members at large.

Many of those members, along with dozens of students and their families, were at the Balboa Bay Resort & Club last month for the annual scholarship awards presentation.

At the event, the club awarded two Pinnacle, two 1221 Club, and two BBC awards, each n the amount of $20,000. Two governor’s awards were presented in the amount of $7,000 each, and 15 Foundation Awards were presented in the amount of $1,000 each.

Each school counselor in the Newport-Mesa school district submitted six students that meet the criteria based on academics, athletics and financial need. The students are all interviewed and scored on everything from motivation to confidence and oral communication.

Jose Avonce and Caroline Quigg
Jose Avonce and Caroline Quigg

Foundation scholarship winner from Corona del Mar High: Joseph Santoro, Matilda Bress and Matt Hollander. Foundation scholarship winners from Newport Harbor High: Melisa Camano, Judson Vandetoll and Rachel Whitelegge.

Governor’s scholarship winners were Lauren Nakamura from Corona del Mar High and William Gates from Estancia High.

BBC scholarship winners were Taylor Fogarty and Patrick Ong, both from Corona del Mar High.

The 1221 Club scholarship winners were Caroline Quigg and Jose Avonce, both from Newport Harbor High.

The Pinnacle scholarships, awarded for achieving the highest honors in academics and athletics, went to Eliza Jason from Estancia High and Trevor Shaw from Newport Harbor High.